Our Theory of Change
In order to align with the movement for racial justice, professionals in capital markets must go beyond making statements and declaring intentions, and address how the current financial system causes and resources harmful actions and behaviors. To make these changes, the industry needs structural transformation brought on by institutional and individual action.
As a coalition primarily composed of professionals who work in capital markets (e.g. asset owners, asset managers, financial advisors, foundations, CDFIs), RJI recognizes the tension between a broader vision for racial justice and the coalition’s ability to directly work towards it. At the same time, RJI believes there is both meaningful incremental and long-term transformational work that must take place within the investing industry in order to build a more racially just world. To enable systemic change, people who work in public and private markets must have a deep understanding of the construction of racial capitalism and how it persists in order to prioritize restorative practices that center a racial justice approach to finance. Every actor working within capital markets has a role and responsibility in fostering change. The different actors must work with each other in order to activate their own individual role’s potential, and help unlock the collective capacity for reimagining and transformation, as an industry.
To read Racial Justice Investing’s full Theory of Change, please request a copy from RJI’s Program Coordinator (coordinator@rjicoalition.org).